Changing Titles

So now that I’ve passed in The Billionaire’s Secretary for final proofreading, I’m looking at what story to work on next. A while ago I was working on a story of two brothers and a singing career. I’ve run into a lot of trouble developing the plot. I’ve got characters, but the plot is not solid. For Nano I may rework the whole outline and start fresh on it. I was initially calling the story Be(Longing) but I realized that that style of title is really more appropriate for the Elizabeth line of books. I.e., (W)hole and Breath(e). I do plan to do a third Elizabeth book. I’d like to keep following her throughout her life and watch how her devness develops over the years. So I will save that title for her third book and do a...

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Book Available for PreOrder!

I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to be able to tell you that I’ve got a new book coming out! It’s been a long time!  I worked hard to make this book as sexy as I possibly could. For my idea of what’s sexy, you can check out an excerpt at my publisher’s website: Super hot, right? The Billionaire’s Secretary will be digital only, so it will come out in an ebook format but not a print format. It’s going to be priced at $2.99 in the U.S. (and should be very equivalent in ebook retailers outside the U.S.) The release date is December 4th, 2014 but you can actually pre-order it!  All the links are at the website posted above. You can pre-order...

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Income Transparency

I’ve been challenged by my friend and fellow author Matthew Selznick to share information about my income as an author. He makes the point that it’s helpful for other writers to get a sense of what to expect from creative endeavors and most of the numbers you see are articles about the huge success of one or two indie authors.  I find that people tend to assume that best selling authors are spectacularly rich and it’s a very glamorous life. Someone wrote a while back about the truth about his income after having a book that was a NYT best seller. I wish I could find it now. The truth is that authors don’t make much money and even the best selling authors aren’t immune. You can count on one hand, most likely, the number of authors who...

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