Friday Excerpt – A short story in progress

Friday Excerpt – A short story in progress

This month I’ve been working on short stories, looking to get a collection together for a new Dev Dreams edition. This one will have more explicit stories.  As well as being part of the collection, the stories are going to be available individually as well (and a couple of them already are). This is one I’m working on and hope to have finished very soon. It’s a little different from my usual fare. This one has a blind hero.  Here is a brief excerpt: ### Word Count: 370### When I like a guy, I have one trick up my sleeve. The only thing I know to do to get his attention. I invite him to hang out at my place to watch a movie. I sit on the couch next to him and I hope for the best.  This has never led to something before, but I keep thinking that...

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Recommended Links

I just realized that I’ve never done a post recommending some of the sites that I like to read! Big oversight on my part. So here are some blogs and sites that I find really interesting and/or useful.   I Look Good Today – A blend of different kind of posts, some about fashion and some reflecting on nostalgia and some about life in a wheelchair. It’s written by Jamie, a very sweet woman with more optimism and cheer than anyone besides Kaylie. Streetsie – A website packed with interesting and informative articles about general life as a wheelchair user, including some good ones about sex and dating. D.O.S.E. – Devotees Opposed to Sexual Exploitation is a new blog and its second post, about filming and consent, delves right into the...

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For Ilana

For Ilana

Two years ago today I lost a very dear friend.  I can’t actually believe that the world has continued to go on for two years without her. My life became frozen at the moment I got the phone call, hearing the words “She didn’t make it” and not being able to understand what they meant. It’s as though I entered a parallel universe the moment I heard those words and, though I’ve continued living, I feel as if I’m always straining to get back to the real world where she still is. Life has been surreal. What sense it used to make is absolutely gone. In the real world, the rules wouldn’t allow for someone like her to die.  She was needed by so many people. I still needed her. I need her now and she’s gone. It’s...

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Contest Winner

Contest Winner

Well, everyone made this really easy on me! lol. There was only one entry for my fan art contest giving away an autographed copy of Breath(e). Congratulations, Christy Leigh Stewart! Here is the link to her...

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Six Sunday: Breath(e) Three

Six Sunday: Breath(e) Three

Another six from the new novel…   “I’ve been living with this for nineteen years.” Susan drew in a deep breath. “So have we,” she said. “So have we.” “It’s not your fault, Mom. It’s not your fault and it’s not mine, it’s just something that is. And I can’t live my life without it.”   To read more six sentences, visit...

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